mcDo stories

Monday, December 19, 2005


While watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today for the 2nd time(1st one was in Singapore) I experienced a very weird phenomenon..the audience here in my hometown weren't laughing at the same jokes in the movie that the audience back in Singapore were laughing at. Maybe this is just normal but it still is strange for me bcoz this was the first time I watched the same movie twice and getting different reactions from the audience. If I remember correctly, i didn't hear any laughs from anyone(maybe one or two ppl) during the first half of the movie(what the heck???).

On the way home, i thought of 3 reasons for the audience not to laugh at the jokes

1) maybe they were not paying attention during the first half bcoz they were trying to remember the characters and the storyline of the 4th HP book(and the Singaporeans were not?),

2) The acoustics of the cinema was not that good and they didn't exactly have Dolby Surround Sound so the audience cannot comprehend what the characters were saying, hence they cannot appreciate the jokes,


3) most of the jokes were just,simply corny(probably the most logical reason).

This last reason was the one given to me by my cousins when I asked them why they were not laughing. I think there's more to this..but in the spirit of Christmas, this entry has to stop here to prevent myself from making any discriminatory comments.peace.


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